Whatever, Here's My Resume

Education (as if it matters)

Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (Junior, CGPA - 4.00/4.00)

Aug 2022 - Dec 2025 (expected... if I don't drop out first)

Projects (aka Look How Cool I Am)

  • Spotistats - Because analyzing my music addiction is totally productive
    Python, Jupyter, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn | May 2024
  • SysTrack - A CLI tool for people too lazy to open Task Manager
    Python, Typer, Rich, PyFiglet, PyPi | Jun 2024
  • CursorPath - As if the world needed another chrome extension
    Chrome-extension, Javascript, Background-scripts | Aug 2024
  • Speechsift - For when you're too cool to actually listen to stuff
    NextJs, Typescript, API routes, Prisma, PostgreSQL | Jul 2024

Experience (aka Places I Pretended to Work)

Software Engineering Intern at OK Health

May 2024 – Aug 2024 (Remote... because pants are overrated)

  • Made a chatbot that's probably smarter than most people
  • Configured stuff. It worked. Sometimes.
  • Integrated AI. Now the machines are one step closer to world domination.

Lichen Herbarium Research Aide at ASU

Dec 2023 – Present (Tempe, Arizona... where dreams go to get sunburned)

  • Digitizing 115,000 dead plants. Living the dream, folks.
  • Focusing on the Greater Sonoran Desert Region, because regular deserts aren't good enough.

Skills (things I googled once)


Achievements (Participation Trophies)

  • Runner Up at MakeHarvard 2024 (Harvard rejected me, so I hacked them instead)
  • Won Sustainability Track at YHacks (Yale University) (Saved the world. You're welcome.)
  • Participated in LA Hacks (UCLA) (Got a t-shirt. It was too small.)